Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

Karakter gadis harvestmoon

Karakter Gadis Harvestmoon

  1.    Ann

Dia adalah gadis yang tomboy. Dia tinggal bersama ayahnya, Doug di sebuah penginapan. Ketika masih kecil dia sudah ditinggal oleh ibunya. Ann sangat menyukai memasak.

= - = - = Heart Level Dialogue = - = - =

* Initial Greeting
"Oh!  Hi..."
"What brings you to the village?  You're welcome to stay at our inn?"

* Black = 0to4999 affection
"Welcome, welcome."
"If you want to place an order, talk to my father."

* Purple = 5000to19999 affection
"Hello, welcome."
"Please, take your time."

* Blue = 20000to29999 affection
"You know my father's always scolding me because I don't act like a girl."
"I don't mind being a tomboy, and I like my dad for raising me this way. Love...  I don't need it."

* Green = 30000to39999 affection
"Hi there, how's the farm doing?"
"Everything's delicious when you live near farm country.  I love to eat!"

* Yellow = 40000to49999 affection
"Oh, hi <name>!  Come in and take it easy."
"I suppose girls should be cute, don't you agree?"

* Orange = 50000to59999 affection
"Oh...  W...welcome."
"I've been daydreaming and breaking dishes lately (heart)"

* Red = 60000to65535 affection
"Oh...sorry.  Um...what did you say?"

Jadwal Kegiatan

Setiap hari :
Inn = 6 AM – 7 AM
Hot Spring = 7:30 AM – 10 AM
Inn lantai 2 = 10:30 AM - 1 PM
Inn lantai 1 = 1 PM – 4 PM
Inn lantai 2 = 4 PM – 7 PM
Inn lantai 1 = 7 PM - …

Saat hujan :
Inn = 6 AM – 7 AM
Inn bagian dalam = 7:30 AM - 10 AM
Inn lantai 2 = 10:30 AM - 1 PM
Inn lantai 1 = 1 PM – 4 PM
Inn lantai 2 = 4 PM – 7 PM
Inn lantai 1 = 7 PM - …

Hari Ulang Tahun :

Summer 17
Jika ultahmu 17 summer maka ultahnya 22 summer

Reaksi terhadap hadiah :

Loves :
SpatoBoiled Egg, Veggie Pancake, Fried Rice, Stir Fry, Stew, Curry, Salad, Sandwich, Strawberry Milk, Pumpkin Pudding, Roasted Potatoes, Omelet, Cheesecake, Cheese Fondue, Apple Pie, Bamboo Rice, Mushroom Rice, Truffle Rice, Sushi, Grilled Fish, Tempura Noodles, Fried Noodles, Ice Cream, Cake, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Rice Omelet

Strawberry, tomato, Pineapple, Apple, Wild Grape, Ketchup Recipe, Egg, Milk, Cheese, SUGDW Apple, Rice Ball, Bread, Grape Juice, Large Fish, Miso Soup, Fruit Juice, Vegetable Juice, Mixed Juice, Pickled Turnips, Fries, Pickles, Strawberry Jam, tomato Juice, Popcorn, Happy Eggplant, Sweet Potato (dish), Greens, Scrambled Eggs, Boiled Egg, Chirashi Sushi, Jam Bun, Raisin Bread, Dinner Roll, Sashimi, Pizza, Noodles, Curry Noodles, Tempura, Cookies, Golden Egg, Chocolate Cookie, Bandage, Relaxation Tea, Fruit Latte, Veggie Latte, Mixed Latte, Jewelry

Turnip, Potato, Cucumber, Cabbage, Corn, Onion, Pumpkin, Eggplant, Carrot, Sweet Potato, Spinach, Green Pepper, Moondrop Flower, Pink Cat Flower, Blue Magic Red Flower, Red Magic Red Flower, toy Flower, Orange Cup Fruit, Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom, Truffle, Adamantite, Mayonnaise, Wool, Yarn Ball, Honey, Wine, Oil, Flour, Curry Powder, Hot Milk, Butter, Apple Jam, Grape Jam, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Ketchup

Branch, Lumber, Blue Grass, Green Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Medium Fish, Small Fish, Food Fiasco, Winter Branch, Winter Lumber

Stone, Weeds, Poisonous Mushroom, Red Grass, Mystrile, Orichalcum, Fodder, Chicken Feed, Gold Ore, Silver Ore, Copper Ore, Fish Food, Garbage, Fries Recipe, Dead Weeds, Winter Stone

2.  Elli

Dia tinggal bersama neneknya (Ellen) dan adiknya (Stu). Dia bekerja di Hospital membantu dokter. Elli adalah gadis yang sulit marah tetapi murah senyum.

= - = - = Heart Level Dialogue = - = - =

* Initial Greeting
"When you feel sick or get hurt, come to the Mineral Clinic.  You'll find me there most of the time working."

* Black = 0to4999 affection
"Is there something wrong with you today?"
"Please talk to the Doctor if you want medicine or an exam."

* Purple = 5000to19999 affection
"Oh, <name>.  What's wrong?"
"Farming is hard work, isn't it?  You need to be strong..."

* Blue = 20000to29999 affection
"Oh, <name>.  Is something wrong?"
"My family has been involved in birthing for generations.  My grandmother was a midwife, too."

* Green = 30000to39999 affection
"There seems - be a flu going around.  Take care of yourself."
"You know my grandmother, right?  I want to cure the problem with her legs, so I'm studying here."

* Yellow = 40000to49999 affection
"Oh, hi <name>.  You seem to be getting used to farm life."
"Why did you move to this village, <name>?  I haven't heard the reason."

* Orange = 50000to59999 affection
"Oh...  <name>!  Is something the matter?"
"I'm happy to see you, but since this is a clinic I also worry whenever you drop by (heart)"

* Red = 60000to65535 affection
"I may quit the clinic after I get married..."
"...I don't think I can work at both marriage and a job..."

Jadwal Kegiatan

Setiap hari kecuali rabu :
Hospital = All day

Rabu :
Hospital = 6 AM – 9 AM
Ellen’s house = 10 AM – 1 PM
Supermarket = 1 PM – 4 PM
Ellen’s house = 4:50 PM – 7:10 PM
Hospital = 8 PM - …

Hari ulang tahun :

16 Spring
Jika ultahmu 16 Spring maka ultahnya 20 spring

Reaksi terhadap hadiah :

Loves :
Moondrop Flower, Pink Cat Flower, Blue Magic Red Flower, Red Magic Red Flower, toy Flower, Orange Cup Fruit, Ketchup Recipe, Bandage, Jewelry

Strawberry, Blue Grass, Milk, Grape Juice, Fish, Stir Fry, Salad, Vegetable Juice, Sandwich, Strawberry Jam, Popcorn, Pumpkin Pudding, Sweet Potato (dish), Greens, Hot Milk, Cheesecake, Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Grape Jam, Chirashi Sushi, Sashimi, Grilled Fish, Cookie, Ice Cream, Cake, Chocolate, Chocolate Cookies, Chocolate Cake, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Relaxation Tea, Fruit Latte, Veggie Latte, Mixed Latte

Turnip, Potato, Cucumber, Cabbage, tomato, Corn, Pineapple, Eggplant, Carrot, Sweet Potato, Spinach, Apple, Bamboo Shoot, Wild Grape, Mushroom, Truffle, Red Grass, Green Grass, Mystrile, Orichalcum, Adamantite, Gold Ore, Silver Ore, Copper Ore, Egg, SpatoBoiled Egg, Mayonnaise, Cheese, Wool, Yarn Ball, Honey, SUGDW Apple, Rice Ball, Bread, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Oil, Flour, Curry Powder, Veggie Pancake, Miso Soup, Stew, Curry, Fruit Juice, Mixed Juice, Pickled Turnips, Fries, Pickles, Strawberry Milk, tomato Juice, Happy Eggplant, Roasted Potatoes, Boiled Egg, Butter, Cheese Fondue, Bamboo Rice, Mushroom Rice, Truffle Rice, Sushi, Jam Bun, Raisin Bread, Dinner Roll, Pizza, Noodles, Curry Noodles, Tempura Noodles, Fried Noodles, Tempura, Food Fiasco, Golden Egg, Ketchup

Onion, Pumpkin, Green Pepper, Wine, Fried Rice, Scrambled Eggs, Omelet, Rice Omelet

Stone, Branch, Lumber, Weeds, Poisonous Mushroom, Fodder, Chicken Feed, Fish Food, Garbage, Fries Recipe, Dead Weeds, Winter Stone, Winter Branch, Winter Lumber

3.  Karen

Dia adalah gadis berambut pirang yang tinggal bersama orang tuanya (Jeff & Sasha) di Supermarket. Karen mempunyai teman dari kecil yang bernama Rick.

= - = - = Heart Level Dialogue = - = - =

* Initial Greeting
"You don't look familiar."

* Black = 0to4999 affection
"What can I do for you?"

* Purple = 5000to19999 affection
"Hi, how are you?"
"Whenever you have a problem or something, just come talk to me."

* Blue = 20000to29999 affection
"I'm afraid our store is not very well stocked."
"But at least we have the tools you need for farming."

* Green = 30000to39999 affection
"My parents fight at the drop of a hat.  But my mother does most of the yelling..."
"Then they suddenly make up.  It's silly."

* Yellow = 40000to49999 affection
"Hello <name>!  How are you doing?"
"I'm impressed... a person my age running a farm."

* Orange = 50000to59999 affection
"You startled me (heart)"

* Red = 60000to65535 affection
"Lately I find myself thinking about you, <name> (heart)"
"Just kidding.  But what if it were true?"

Jadwal kegiatan :

Setiap hari kecuali minggu & selasa :
 Supermarket = 6 AM - 8 AM
Di samping Supermarket = 8 AM - 10:30 AM
Supermarket bagian dalam = 10:30AM - 1PM
Supermarket = 1 PM - 4 PM
Supermarket bagian dalam = 4 PM – 7 PM
Beach = 7:30 PM – 10 PM
Supermarket = 10:50 PM - …

Saat hujan = Selain minggu & selasa:
Supermarket bagian dalam = 6 AM – 8 AM
Supermarket = 8 AM – 10 AM
Supermarket bagian dalam = 10 AM – 1 PM
Supermarket = 1 PM – 4 PM
Supermarket bagian dalam = 4 PM - …

Selasa :
Supermarket = 6 AM – 8 AM
Di samping Supermarket = 8 AM - 10:30 AM
Supermarket = 10 AM – 1 PM
Hot Springs = 2 PM – 4 PM
Supermarket = 5 PM – 7 PM
Inn = 7:30 PM – 10 PM
Supermarket = 10:30 PM - …

Saat hujan = Selasa :
 Supermarket  = 6 AM - 1 PM
Gotz' house = 2 PM – 4 PM
Supermarket = 5 PM – 7 PM
Inn = 7:30 PM – 10 PM
Superkarket = 10:30 PM - …

Minggu :
Supermarket = 6 AM – 7 PM
Inn = 7 PM – 10 PM
Supermarket = 10:30 PM - …

Hari ulang tahun :

15 Fall
Jika ultahmu 15 Fall maka ultahnya 22 Fall

Reaksi terhadap hadiah :

Truffle, Wine, Fries, Popcorn, Sashimi, Pizza

Potato, Cucumber, Corn, Pumpkin, Eggplant, Sweet Potato, Spinach, Green Pepper, Moondrop Flower, Pink Cat Flower, Blue Magic Red Flower, Red Magic Red Flower, toy Flower, Orange Cup Fruit, Egg, SpatoBoiled Egg, Mayonnaise, Cheese, Stir Fry, Miso Soup, Salad, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Happy Eggplant, Greens, Scrambled Eggs, Butter, Cheese Fondue, Golden Egg, Jewelry

Turnip, Strawberry, Cabbage, tomato, Onion, Pineapple, Carrot, Bamboo Shoot, Wild Grape, Mushroom, Milk, Wool, Yarn Ball, Rice Ball, Bread, Fish, Oil, Flour, Curry Powder, Veggie Pancake, Fried Rice, Stew, Curry, Fruit Juice, Vegetable Juice, Mixed Juice, Sandwich, tomato Juice, Omelet, Boiled Egg, Hot Milk, Bamboo Rice, Mushroom Rice, Truffle Rice, Sushi, Chirashi Sushi, Dinner Roll, Grilled Fish, Noodles, Curry Noodles, Tempura Noodles, Fried Noodles, Tempura, Food Fiasco, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Veggie Latte, Ketchup, Rice Omelet

Weeds, Apple, Blue Grass, Red Grass, Green Grass, Mystrile, Orichalcum, Ketchup Recipe, Gold Ore, Silver Ore, Copper Ore, Honey, SUGDW Apple, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Grape Juice, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, Roasted Potatoes, Grape Jam, Jam Bun, Raisin Bread, Bandage, Relaxation Tea, Fruit Latte, Mixed Latte, Dead Weeds

Stone, Branch, Lumber, Poisonous Mushroom, Adamantite, Fodder, Chicken Feed, Fish Food, Pumpkin Pudding, Sweet Potato (dish), Cheesecake, Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Cookie, Ice Cream, Cake, Empty Can, Fries Recipe, Chocolate, Chocolate Cookie, Chocolate Cake, Winter Stone, Winter Branch, Winter Lumber

4.  Mary

Dia adalah gadis berkacamata yang gemar mebaca, biasanya berada di perpustakaan. Mary sangat menyukai alam.

= - = - = Heart Level Dialogue = - = - =

* Initial Greeting
"Hi.  You're new to the village, right?"
"You've got your work cut out for you.  Good luck."

* Black = 0to4999 affection
"Hi.  You know, this library was built so the villagers could read my father's books."
"We're always adding books and replacing books, so you should make a habit of visiting the library."

* Purple = 5000to19999 affection
"This village looks like the land in a fairy tale."

* Blue = 20000to29999 affection
"Hello.  Do you enjoy working the farm?"
"How about teaching me about farm work?  I'm here in this village, so I ought to learn about all sorts of things."

* Green = 30000to39999 affection
"Well, hi.  You've come to read.  I'm impressed."
"I like the smell of books.  It's kind of like the smell of the forest... Calming, somehow."

* Yellow = 40000to49999 affection
"It seems it's always the same people who visit the library.  I wish everybody from the village came to read books."

* Orange = 50000to59999 affection
"Oh, hello.  You've come!"
"I want to keep working in the library even after I get married...as long as there are people who visit the library."

* Red = 60000to65535 affection
"Something's the matter.  I felt strange just now..."

Jadwal kegiatan

Setiap hari kecuali senin :
her house = 6 AM - 10 AM
library = 10 AM - 4 PM
 her house = 4 PM - …

Monday :
her house = 6 AM - 7 AM
Mother Hill = 8 AM - 10 AM
her house = 11 AM - 1 PM
Supermarket = 1:40 PM - 4 PM
her house = 4:50 PM - …

Saat hujan :
her house = 6 AM - 1 PM
Supermarket = 1:40 PM - 4 PM
her house = 4:50PM - …

Hari ulang tahun

20 Winter
Jika ultahmu 25 winter maka ultahnya 25 Winter

Reaksi terhadap hadiah :

Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom, Poisonous Mushroom, Truffle, Blue Grass, Red Grass, Green Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Vegetable Juice, tomato Juice, Pumpkin Pudding, Cheese Fondue, Bamboo Rice, Mushroom Rice, Truffle Rice, Grape Jam, Raisin Bread, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Relaxation Tea, Veggie Latte

Pumpkin, Spinach, Green Pepper, Moondrop Flower, Pink Cat Flower, Blue Magic Red Flower, Red Magic Red Flower, toy Flower, Orange Cup Fruit, Apple, Wild Grape, Mayonnaise, Milk, Cheese, Wool, Yarn Ball, Honey, SUGDW Apple, Grape Juice, Fruit Juice, Mixed Juice, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, Sweet Potato = dish, Greens, Boiled Egg, Hot Milk, Cheesecake, Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Sushi, Jam Bun, Dinner Roll, Cookie, Ice Cream, Cake, Golden Egg, Fruit Latte, Mixed Latte, Ketchup, Jewelry

Turnip, Potato, Cucumber, Strawberry, Cabbage, tomato, Corn, Onion, Pineapple, Eggplant, Carrot, Sweet Potato, Mystrile, Orichalcum, Adamantite, Gold Ore, Silver Ore, Copper Ore, Egg, SpatoBoiled Egg, Rice Ball, Bread, Wine, Fish, Oil, Flour, Curry Powder, Stir Fry, Miso Soup, Stew, Salad, Sandwich, Popcorn, Roasted Potatoes, Scrambled Eggs, Omelet, Chirashi Sushi, Sashimi, Grilled Fish, Pizza, Noodles, Curry Noodles, Tempura Noodles, Fried Noodles, Tempura, Chocolate, Chocolate Cookie, Chocolate Cake, Rice Omelet

Veggie Pancake, Fried Rice, Curry, Pickled Turnips, Fries, Pickles, Happy Eggplant, Butter

Stone, Branch, Lumber, Weeds, Ketchup Recipe, Fodder, Chicken Feed, Fish Food, Food Fiasco, Garbage, Fries Recipe, Bandage, Dead Weeds, Winter Stone, Winter Branch, Winter Lumber

5.  Popuri

Dia adalah anak dari lilia (Penjual di Poultry farm). Dia mempunyai saudara yang bernama Rick. Popuri menyukai Kai yang datang setiap summer.

= - = - = Heart Level Dialogue = - = - =

* Initial Greeting
"What!?  ......Who are you?"
"Why does he talk - me so much?"

* Black = 0to4999 affection
"Can I help you?"

* Purple = 5000to19999 affection
"Do you like farming?  ...For me, it's boring."
"This is a secret, OK?"

* Blue = 20000to29999 affection
"You're nice, not like my brother."
"My brother can't separate from me.  ...I'll tell you the story some day."

* Green = 30000to39999 affection
"What was it like where you used to live?"
"I want to go places."

* Yellow = 40000to49999 affection
"I admire the way you run the farm on your own."
"My brother says good things about you.  I have respect for you too."

* Orange = 50000to59999 affection
"What do you think about me, <name>?"
"Everybody says I'm immature.  What do you think?"

* Red = 60000to65535 affection
"Oh, <name>!  ...You always treat me like an adult."
"I used to like flashy guys, but now I think quiet guys like you are better (heart)"

Jadwal Kegiatan

Setiap hari kecuali minggu :
Chicken Lil's = 6 AM - 7 AM
Hot Springs = 7:45AM - 10 AM
Chicken Lil's = 10:45AM - …

Saat hujan :
Chicken Lil's = All day

Minggu :
Chicken Lil's = 6 AM - 9 AM
church = 9:30AM - 1 PM
town square = 1:30PM - 5:30PM
Chicken Lil's = 6 PM - …

Saat Hujan (Minggu) :
Chicken Lil's = 6 AM - 9 AM
Church = 9:30AM - 1 PM
Chicken Lil's = 1:30PM - …

Hari Ulang tahun

3 Summer
Jika ultahmu 3 summer maka ultahnya 10 summer

Reaksi terhadap hadiah

Pink Cat Flower, toy Flower, SpatoBoiled Egg, Honey, Fruit Juice, Sandwich, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, Scrambled Eggs, Omelet, Boiled Egg, Hot Milk, Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Ice Cream, Cake, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Relaxation Tea, Rice Omelet, Jewelry

Strawberry, tomato, Corn, Pineapple, Blue Magic Red Flower, Red Magic Red Flower, Orange Cup Fruit, Apple, Truffle, Egg, Mayonnaise, Milk, Yarn Ball, SUGDW Apple, Bread, Grape Juice, Flour, Veggie Pancake, Stew, Salad, Fries, Popcorn, Pumpkin Pudding, Sweet Potato (dish), Bamboo Rice, Mushroom Rice, Grape Jam, Chirashi Sushi, Fried Noodles, Tempura, Wool G, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Ketchup

Weeds, Potato, Cucumber, Cabbage, Onion, Carrot, Sweet Potato, Spinach, Moondrop Flower, Bamboo Shoot, Wild Grape, Mushroom, Adamantite, Wool, Rice Ball, Fish, Oil, Curry Powders, Fried Rice, Stir Fry, Miso Soup, Curry, Pickles, Roasted Potato, Greens, Butter, Cheesecake, Mushroom Rice, Sushi, Jam Bun, Raisin Bread, Dinner Roll, Sashimi, Grilled Fish, Noodles, Curry Noodles, Tempura Noodles, Cookie, Chocolate Cookie, Dead Weeds

Turnip, Pumpkin, Eggplant, Green Pepper, Cheese, Vegetable Juice, Mixed Juice, Pickled Turnips, tomato Juice, Happy Eggplant, Cheese Fondue, Pizza, Fruit Latte, Veggie Latte, Mixed Latte

Stone, Branch, Lumber, Poisonous Mushroom, Blue Grass, Red Grass, Green Grass, Mystrile, Orichalcum, Ketchup Recipe, Fodder, Chicken Feed, Gold Ore, Silver Ore, Copper Ore, Fish Food, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Wine, Food Fiasco, Garbage, Fries Recipe, Bandage, Winter Stone, Winter Branch, Winter Lumber

By : Alfin Luqmanul Hakim - MAN 2 Kudus / fb : Alfin Luqmanul Hakim